Taiwan External Trade Development Council Apps

台灣經貿網活動匯 1.0
2016 ICCA Bid Workshop 1.03
The 4th ICCA-TAIWAN MICE Bid Workshoporganized by TAITRA under the sponsorship of the Taiwan Bureau ofForeign Trade (BOFT), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), istaking place during May 24-25 at Tainan, Taiwan.Main Features:1.Introduction: Factsheet and contact info of this workshop2.Agenda: Workshop program schedule3.Speaker: Speakers’ info4.Business Card: Change contact info by this function5.Meet Taiwan: To visit MEET TAIWAN official website6.Official Website: To visit official website of thisworkshop7.MEET TAIWAN CARD: To visit MEET TAIWAN CARD special offer ordownlond its app
食品機械展 1.02
2013台北國際食品加工設備暨製藥機械展官方App台北國際食品加工設備暨製藥機械展為台灣唯一相關產業的專業B2B展覽會,透過下載官方發布的APP程式,您將能進一步了解參展廠商、展出產品、新聞快訊等展會內容,隨時掌握最新商情資訊!1. 廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料。2. 平面圖:互動式展場平面圖。3. 產品:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋。4. 活動:精采的大會活動訊息及活動地點。5. 新聞:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息。6. 展覽簡介 : 展覽內容之詳細介紹。7. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊。8. 我的最愛:輕鬆閱覽收藏之廠商資料、產品介紹及活動訊息。9.同檔期展覽: 同檔期展覽App下載連結
臺北世貿中心 1.05
臺北世貿中心 Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC)1. 展館簡介:世貿中心簡介2. 交易市場廠商:世貿中心交易市場廠商介紹3. 平面圖:世貿中心交易市場廠商位置圖4. 公告:展覽活動公告5. FACEBOOK:連結世貿一館Facebook連結6. 影音宣傳:影片及照片介紹7. 室內環景:世貿一館一樓及二樓室內環景圖8. 電子名片交換:利用QR code交換名片9. 活動檔期:提供世貿一館及三館展覽檔期資料10. 服務設施:提供世貿一館設施資訊貿協,臺北世貿中心,外貿協會,交易市場
台灣電動車展 2.01
立即下載2017年「台灣國際電動車展」APP!!主要功能:1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料。2. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋。3. 攤位圖:互動式展場平面圖,點廠商攤位可觀看廠商詳細資訊。4. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊5. 展覽活動:瀏覽展覽相關活動與論壇消息6. Facebook:利用Facebook粉絲頁與我們互動7. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊。台灣電動車展、電動車、電動車零件、馬達、電動車馬達控制器、電池、太陽能電池、充電器、充電裝置、電池品管設備、電池測驗器、駕駛資訊系統、電線、電纜、車用電腦、電動天窗、散熱膏、電動車底盤、Taitra、外貿協會、貿協Download Now 2017 "TaiwanInternational Electric Motor Show" APP !!The main function:1. exhibitors: exhibition search using keywords or vendorinformation.2. Catalog: Product category or keyword search.Figure 3. Booth: interactive exhibition plan, Manufacturer detailsManufacturer stall point can be viewed.4. News: Exhibition News Industry News at any time and see thelatest, to fully grasp the exhibition News5. exhibitions: Browse exhibition activities and forums news6. Facebook: use Facebook fan page to interact with us7. Transportation: including pavilions and other traffic-relatedinformation.Taiwan Electric Motor, electric cars, electric car parts, motors,electric vehicle motor controller, battery, solar batteries,charger, charger, battery quality control equipment, battery test,a driver information system, wires, cables, car computer , powersunroof, thermal paste, the electric car chassis, Taitra, tradeassociations, TAITRA
臺灣木工機展 1.02
臺灣木工機展為「2015台灣國際木工機械展」官方App,提供參展廠商資訊、產品型錄、互動式攤位圖、展覽照片、活動日程等全方位展覽資訊。您亦可利用WoodTaiwan預先完成參觀者登錄、將有興趣的活動加入行事曆、使用官方貼圖編輯並分享您的照片,甚至只需掃瞄QRcode即可快速與廠商或其他參觀者交換名片資訊。「台灣國際木工機械展」為亞洲最高端木工機械及材料專屬展銷平台,將於2015年7月2日至5日於台北南港展覽館盛大展出。位於全球第4大木工機械出口國台灣,該展不僅對外代表台灣優質製造設備之國際形象,亦在全球占有指標性地位。主要功能:1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料2. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料3. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊4. 展期活動:展覽相關活動及論壇訊息5. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊。6. 展覽資訊:展覽簡介及展區Taiwan WoodworkingMachine exhibition as "2015 Taiwan International WoodworkingMachinery Exhibition" Official App, providing exhibitorsinformation, product catalog, interactive booth map, photoexhibitions, events calendar and other comprehensive exhibitioninformation. You can also use pre-completed WoodTaiwan visitorslogged events will be of interest to join the calendar, use theofficial map edit and share your photos, or even just scan QR codecan be quickly exchanged business cards with the manufacturer orother visitor information."Taiwan International Woodworking Machinery Exhibition" Asia'smost exclusive high-end woodworking machinery and materialsexhibition platform will be a grand exhibition at the TaipeiNangang Exhibition July 2, 2015 至 5th. Located in the world'sfourth largest exporter of woodworking machinery in Taiwan, thisexhibition is not only the external representation of Taiwan'sinternational image quality manufacturing equipment, also plays inthe global index of the position.Main features:1. Exhibitors: use keywords or search Info. exhibition2. Product Categories: Category or Keyword Search ExhibitorInfo3. News: Exhibition News & latest industry information at anytime, the exhibition fully grasp the latest information4. Extension activities: exhibition and forum messages relatedactivities5. Traffic Information: includes pavilions and othertraffic-related information.6. Exhibition Information: Exhibition Introduction andexhibition
南港展覽館 1.02
96年7月底完工、97年3月13日正式營運的南港展覽館,為一擁有上、下層展廳、計可規劃2,467個標準攤位的大型專業展覽館,不但展示面積為台北世貿展覽大樓的兩倍大,其所擁有的8間會議室(可彈性隔間為12間)、2間餐廳及8間面對馬路的商店,均將提供使用者更為人性化及便利性的服務與設施。南港展覽館的上層雲端展場屋頂跨距達126 x180公尺,淨高14.3~27.3公尺,全區無柱位,適合在展覽空檔期間舉辦大型演唱會、直銷會議、獎勵旅遊、宗教集會及公司餐會(含尾牙、春酒)等。為打造國際級、一流的會展空間,貿協已針對南港展覽館的特性,增設多項營運設備,包括多國語言的展場指標及線上導覽系統、全館無線上網等。南港展覽館的啟用,已帶動南港經貿園區的整體開發,並對我國經濟產值帶來顯著的貢獻。貿協也將更努力提升我國會展產業的產值,除積極規劃辦理新展外,60個海外辦事處也將進行全球行銷,積極爭取國外展覽公司來台辦展,讓台灣會展產業在國際間持續發光發熱。Completed by the end ofJuly 1996, Nangang Exhibition 1997 March 13 officially operated forthe last possession, the lower hall, planning large-scaleprofessional exhibition can count 2,467 standard booths, not onlydisplay area for two TWTC Exhibition Building times larger, it haseight meeting rooms (elastic compartments for 12), two restaurantsand eight face street stores are offering users a more humane andconvenience services and facilities.Nangang Exhibition Hall of the upper cloud exhibition spans theroof up 126 x 180 meters, 14.3 ~ 27.3 meters in height, the wholecolumn-free position, suitable for large-scale concerts during theexhibition neutral, direct meetings, incentive travel, religionmeetings and company dinners (including year-end banquet, liquor)and so on. To build a world-class, first-class exhibition space,FTA has specific features Nangang Exhibition Hall, the addition ofa number of operational equipment, including exhibition gamesindicators and multi-lingual on-line navigation system, the wholemuseum wireless Internet access.Nangang Exhibition Hall enabled, has led to the overalldevelopment of economic and trade zone in the South, and to bringsignificant contributions to China's economic output. TAITRA willalso be more efforts to improve China's exhibition industry output,in addition to actively planning for the new show, the 60 overseasoffices will also be global marketing, actively seek overseas toTaiwan Affairs Office of Fair Trade company, so that Taiwan in theinternational exhibition industry continued to shine.
台灣銀髮展 2.01
1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料,並可查看攤位圖位置2. 攤位圖:互動式展場平面圖,點廠商攤位可觀看廠商詳細資訊3. 產品:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料,並可連結至攤位圖4. 我的最愛:輕鬆閱覽收藏之廠商資料、產品介紹及活動訊息5. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊6. 活動:精采的大會活動訊息及活動地點,可連結至攤位圖,並可將活動收藏至我的最愛7. 關於本展 :展覽之詳細介紹,包括:展覽時間、地點、展區、指標性廠商、主辦單位資訊……等8. 預先登記:預先上網登記,加速現場換證手續。9. 電子名片交換:快速交換聯繫方式,避免遺失重要客戶名片
TaiHerbs 1.01
==Official APP for TaiHerbs 2013==TaiHerbs is shaping up as the best platform on Chinese Herbs,Medicinal Herb, Herbal Remedies, Dietary Supplement Food, andFunctional Foods in Taiwan. Join the show that builds upon awell-established international industrial syndicate ofmanufacturers in Taiwan and abroad who are primed to deliver thesolutions. By downloading the official released APP with alldetailed information about the show, you can catch the latestexhibition events just in time!Main features include:1. Events:Provide Daily events held by organizer2. News:View latest News about the show3. About the Show:Exhibition detailed information4. Floor plan:Detailed booth and exhibitor information5. Exhibitors:Search exhibitors by keywords or exhibitor area.Click “Floor Plan” icon to see show map6. Transportation:How get to the show venue7. Forum info:Forum detailed information8. Pre-Registration:To Pre-Registrate the showAnd more information about the show!!Herb Show, Natural Products Show, Herb Exhibition, NaturalProducts Exhibition, Herb Expo, Natural Products Expo, HERBNAT,Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, TAITRA
行動台灣精品館 2.2
台灣清真食用品展 1.01
2013台灣清真食用品展官方App為了積極向國內外買主介紹台灣近年來在清真認證上取得的成果,2013年外貿協會將於6月26-29日於台北世貿一館舉辦「台灣國際清真食用品展覽會」,展出產品除各類清真食品外,還包括清真日常生活用品、化妝品和保健品。展覽同時,搭配一系列的「清真認證研討會」和「採購洽談會」,並將與台北國際食品四展同檔期展出:包括「台北國際食品展」、「台北國際食品加工設備暨製藥機械展」、「台北國際包裝工業展」及「台灣國際飯店暨餐飲設備用品展」,4+1展共創佳績,預計將成為台灣食品相關產業及清真產品之重要交流平台!1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料,並可查看攤位圖位置2. 活動:精采的大會活動訊息及活動地點,可連結至攤位圖,並可將活動收藏至我的最愛3. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊4. 我的最愛:輕鬆閱覽收藏之廠商資料、產品介紹及活動訊息5. 關於本展:展覽之詳細介紹,包括:展覽時間、地點、展區、指標性廠商、主辦單位資訊……等6. 同檔期展覽: 同檔期展覽App下載連結2013 Taiwan halal foodsupplies Exhibition Official AppTo actively introduced to domestic and foreign buyers in Taiwan inrecent years, the results achieved in the halal certification,26-29 June, 2013 External Trade Development Council will be held atthe Taipei World Trade Center "Taiwan International Exhibition ofHalal food supplies, display products, in addition to include allkinds of halal food, the Muslim daily necessities, cosmetics andhealth products.    Exhibition at the same time, with a rangeof halal certification seminar and Procurement Fair, and exhibitedthe same schedule with the Taipei International Food fourexhibition: "Taipei International Food Show, Taipei InternationalFood Processing Equipment and Pharmaceutical Machinery Exhibition"," Taipei International Packaging Industry Exhibition "and" TaiwanInternational Hotel & catering equipment supplies exhibition, 4+1 Exhibition create success, is expected to become a food-relatedindustries in Taiwan and important platform for halalproducts!Exhibitors: by keywords or exhibition party data search and viewthe booths chart position2. Activities: the wonderful message of the activities of theGeneral Assembly and the venue may be linked to the Figure stallsand activities Favorites to Favorites3. Traffic information: including pavilions and othertraffic-related information4 Favorites: easily viewed Favorites vendor information, productintroduction and Events5 About the exhibition: the exhibition and described in detail,including: Show Time, Place, galleries, indicative of vendors,organizers information ......6. Exhibition: same schedule with the schedule of exhibitions AppDownload Links
台灣國際綠色產業展 1.05
1.活動:精采的大會活動訊息及活動地點,可連結至攤位圖,並可將活動收藏至我的最愛5.最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊3.關於本展:瀏覽本展基本資料4.產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料,並可連結至攤位圖5.參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料,並可查看攤位圖位置6.攤位圖:互動式展場平面圖,點廠商攤位可觀看廠商詳細資訊7.展覽照片:展內最新照片瀏覽8.交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊。9.會展卡:下載臺灣會展卡APP或瀏覽官方網站更多資訊,請立即下載官方版 APP,獲取最新資訊!!
緬甸汽配機電展 1.04
1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料,並可查看攤位圖位置2. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料3. 攤位圖:廠商攤位資訊4. 活動:精采的大會活動訊息及活動地點,並可將活動收藏至我的最愛5. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊6. 電子名片交換:利用電子名片交換聯絡人資訊7. 照片分享:上傳照片至官網8. 關於本展 : 展覽之詳細介紹,包括:展覽時間、地點、展區、指標性廠商、主辦單位資訊……等1. Exhibitor: Use keywordor search Info. exhibition, and see Booth Map location2. Catalog: Product category or keyword search Info.3. Booth Map: Manufacturer Info Booth4. Activities: exciting activities of the Assembly and venueinformation, and the active collections to favorites5. News: News Release and the latest industry information at anytime to see, to fully grasp the exhibition News6. Electronic business card exchange: the use of electronicbusiness card exchange contact information7. Photo Sharing: Upload photos to the official website8. With regard to this exhibition: Exhibition of details,including: the exhibition time, place, exhibition, index ofmanufacturers, organizers and other information ......
TU Taiwan 1.01
With the official Tuning and Car Care TaiwanApp, you will have instant access to all information related toTuning and Car Care Taiwan, one of the most professional andprestigious tuning and car care show in the world!In conjunction with Taipei AMPA, AutoTronics, Motorcycle Taiwan andEV Taiwan show, we expect to attract more than 53,000 buyers comingin 2015 AMPA 5-in-1 show!1. Exhibitors: Search exhibitors by keywords or exhibitorarea.2. Products: Search detailed product information3. Floor Plan: Interactive Floor Plan4. News: View latest News about the show5. Exchange business card by scanning QR code6. Facebook:Interact with us on Facebook fan page7. Transportation: How get to the show venue8. MEET TAIWAN CARD: MEET TAIWAN CARD special offer and app9. Facilities: Restaurants, Information Center, Currency Exchangeat TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 and Nangang Exhibition HallTuning and Car Care Taiwan、auto bulb、Tuned Cars、Tuned Motors、CarPainting/Decoration、Tuning Accessories、Equipment andTools、Car/Motor Spray Paint、Coating and Repair Products andTools、Automotive Maintenance and Care products 、Taitra、貿協、外貿協會
2015亞洲會展產業論壇 1.1
臺灣國際照明展 2.02
1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料,並可查看攤位圖位置2. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料,並可連結至攤位圖3. 攤位圖:利用互動攤位圖觀看參展廠商位置、規畫路徑4. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊5. 電子名片交換:利用本功能儲存聯絡人資訊6. 活動:精采的大會活動訊息,並可將活動收藏至我的最愛7. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊8. 關於本展 : 展覽之詳細介紹,包括:展覽時間、地點、展區、指標性廠商、主辦單位資訊……等1. exhibitors: exhibitionsearch using keywords or vendor information, and view Booth Mapposition2. Catalog: Product category or keyword search vendor information,and links to Booth MapFigure 3. Booth: Using Interactive Booth Map Watch Exhibitorlocation, path planning4. News: Exhibition News Industry News at any time and see thelatest, to fully grasp the exhibition News5. Electronic business card exchange: use this feature to storecontact information6. Activities: exciting activities of the Assembly message, and theactive collection to my favorites7. Transportation: including pavilions and other traffic-relatedinformation8. About this exhibition: Exhibition of details, including:Exhibition of time, place, exhibition, indicative vendors,organizers and other information ......
TICC 台北國際會議中心 2.0.1
●關於TICC:台北國際會議中心(Taipei InternationalConventionCenter)為國內首選之國際級大型會展場地,適合辦理國際會議、中小型會議、各式展覽、演唱會、音樂會、藝文表演、記者會、尾牙與婚宴等,交通便利,鄰近台北世貿中心(TWTC)。●場地設備■會議室:所有會議室介紹■設備:同步翻譯、視聽、視訊設備●活動訊息:含每月活動、發燒新聞●餐飲饗宴:各樓層餐廳簡介●交通資訊:提供公車、捷運、停車地圖●周邊娛樂:TICC周邊景點、商場、住宿、餐飲
AMF 2011 1.0
Welcome to AMF 2011Asian MICE Forum 2011The 2011 Asian MICE Forum (AMF 2011) will take place on 3-4November at theTaipei International Convention Center (TICC), with an estimated700 Asian MICEindustry professionals to attend. The Forum will continue to serveas an ideal platformfor exchanging views, experiences, and sharing resources.This year will focus on….l Green MICEl Crisis & Security Managementl Asian MICE TrendsMICE Leaders who will participate are from…l Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA)l International organizations (UFI, ICCA, IAEE)l UBM Asial Messe Frankfurtl Fiera Milano SpAl Asian MICE Industry (Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong)Register NOW! http://www.amf.com.twApp Functions:*AMF AgendaAlways have the latest information of AMF.* AMF SpeakersIntroductions of these global MICE experts*About AMF .About Asian MICE Forum 2011.*AMF PhotosHere are some photos of the AMF.*Claim PrizeCollecting QR Codes in 3 sessions of AMF 2011, you will receive aspecial gift.*Links .Linking to other important websites.Contacts:Taipei International Convention CenterEmail: [email protected] : 886-2-27255200 ext.3523/3525Fax : 886-2-27232590
台北國際食品展 2.01
2017年台北國際食品展是全球食品行業盛會之一,另有四屆“食品技術與製藥台北”,“台北包裝”,“台灣HORECA”,“哈拉博覽會”等展會進入了第二十七屆。 今年參展商/展位數量預計將達1700個展商/4000個展位,成為積極參觀者尋求優質農漁產品,冷凍加工食品,包裝食品機械等的最佳平台之一。2017 Taipei InternationalFood Show is one of the global food industry event, and anotherfour "food technology and pharmaceutical Taipei", "Taipeipackaging", "Taiwan HORECA", "Sahara Fair" and other exhibitionsinto the twenty-seventh . This year exhibitor / booth number isexpected to reach 1700 exhibitors / 4000 booths, visitors to becomeactively seeking high-quality agricultural and fishing products,one frozen processed foods, food packaging machinery, the bestplatform.
亞太電子商務展 1.05
首屆「亞太電子商務展」10月6日至9日於台北南港展覽館一館舉行。同期舉辦「亞太電子商務趨勢論壇」,另辦理「亞太電商市場商機媒合會」。「展覽、論壇、媒合」3合1,展現我國電子商務產業實力、打造亞太地區電子商務交流平台。立即下載「亞太電子商務展」應用程式,讓你「e鍵掌握電商新未來」!1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料2. 攤位圖:互動式展場平面圖,點廠商攤位可觀看廠商詳細資訊3. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料4. 活動:精采的大會活動訊息及活動地點,並可將活動收藏至我的最愛5. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊6. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊7. 電子名片交換:利用電子名片交換聯絡人資訊8. 買主預登:買主預先登記9. Facebook: 以Facebook粉絲頁進行互動The first "Asia-PacificE-Commerce Exhibition" October 6 to 9 at the Taipei NangangExhibition Hall was held. Held in conjunction with "Asia-Pacifice-commerce trend forum", another handle "Asia will be theelectricity supplier market opportunities matchmaking.""Exhibitions, forums, matchmaking" 3-in-1, to show the strength ofour e-commerce industry, the Asia-Pacific region to builde-commerce platform. Download Now "Asia-Pacific E-CommerceExhibition" application that lets you "e key electricity supplierto master a new future!"1. Exhibitor: Use the keyword search or exhibition ExhibitorInfo2. Booth Map: interactive exhibition plan, point vendor booths canview detailed information Manufacturer3. Catalog: Product category or keyword search Info.4. Activities: exciting activities of the Assembly messages andevent venue, and the active collections to favorites5. News: Exhibition updates and the latest industry information atany time to see, to fully grasp the exhibition News6. Traffic Information: includes pavilions and othertransportation-related information7. Electronic business card exchange: the use of electronic cardexchange contact information8. The buyer pre-registration: buyers Pre-Registration9. Facebook: Facebook fan page to interact
2014亞洲會展產業論壇 2.0
電腦應用展 1.04
1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料2. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料3. 展覽照片:瀏覽本展照片4. 我的最愛:輕鬆閱覽收藏之廠商資料、產品介紹及活動訊息5. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊6. Facebook:利用Facebook粉絲頁與我們互動7.WRO機器人競賽:2015年國際奧林匹克機器人大賽–台北市校際盃
台灣機車零配件展 2.01
主要功能:1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料。2. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋。3. 攤位圖:互動式展場平面圖,點廠商攤位可觀看廠商詳細資訊。4. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊5. 展覽活動:瀏覽展覽相關活動與論壇消息6. Facebook:利用Facebook粉絲頁與我們互動7. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊。The main function:1. exhibitors: exhibition search using keywords or vendorinformation.2. Catalog: Product category or keyword search.Figure 3. Booth: interactive exhibition plan, Manufacturer detailsManufacturer stall point can be viewed.4. News: Exhibition News Industry News at any time and see thelatest, to fully grasp the exhibition News5. exhibitions: Browse exhibition activities and forums news6. Facebook: use Facebook fan page to interact with us7. Transportation: including pavilions and other traffic-relatedinformation.
2014不動產全球高峰會 1.03
2014 REGS (2014 Real Estate GlobalSummit)不動產全球高峰會將於2014年4月28日星期一至4月30日(三)假臺北國際會議中心及5月1日(四)假王朝大酒店舉行。歡迎下載大會行動應用程式,並取得會議資訊及大會議程等訊息。2014 Real Estate Global Summit is your great opportunity toforesee the global trend and seize the potential. Entrepreneurs,experts and top managers in the field of real estate will besharing their strategies to success in the summit.Date and Venue: April 28-30 at Taipei International ConventionCenter and May 1 at Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei.Please feel free to download the 2014 REGS App to get the latestinformation.1. Info2. Program3. Social Event4. Floor Plan5. Business Card6. Official Website7. Useful links8. Facebook page9. Contact us2014 REGS, 2014 Real Estate summit, 2014 Real Estate Taiwan,2014不動產, 台灣不動產高峰會, 不動產高峰會
大陸內銷寶典 1.2
说明您有參加規模盛大頗受好評的「台灣名品博覽會」嗎?您常常有中國大陸的商旅行程嗎?《大陸內銷寶典》貼心集結中國大陸潛力城市的商業發展、消費習性、潛力產業、主要商圈、通路商名錄、商旅秘笈等資訊,讓您於商旅期間,了解當地消費市場,秀名品進商圈。【城市市場】:分析當地消費特性、商業發展。【主要商圈】:介紹知名商圈、地圖導覽、主要商家,逛街之餘也能考察市場!【潛力產業】:當地潛力產業發展趨勢、市場通路及拓銷建議。【通路商名錄】:即時掌握採購人資訊,配合地圖,輕鬆與通路商接洽。【商旅秘笈】:美食、住宿、景點與交通全收錄。【台灣名品博覽會】:展會最新動態,逛展便利不勞力。主辦:國際貿易局 執行:外貿協會/台北世貿中心ExplanationYou have to participate in a grand scale acclaimed "Taiwan TradeFair" do? You often have Chinese mainland business travelRide? "Mainland domestic book" intimate gathering potential citiesin mainland China's commercial development, consumption habits,potential yieldIndustry, the main business district, distributors directory,business travel secrets and other information so that you inbusiness travel during the understanding of the local consumermarket.Field, show Famous into the district.[City Market]: analysis of local consumption characteristics ofcommercial development.The main shopping district]: introduction renowned shoppingdistrict, map navigation, the main business, shopping and the I canstudy the market![Industry] Potential: Local potential industry trends, marketaccess and expanding sales proposals.[Distributors] List: immediately grasp the procurementinformation, with maps, relaxed and distributors approached.[Business Travel Tips]: food, lodging, attractions andtransportation Quanshou Lu.[Taiwan Trade Fair]: show the latest trends, visiting theexhibition does not facilitate labor.Organizer: Bureau of Foreign Trade: Trade associations / TaipeiWorld Trade Center
2014 建材展 1.01
1. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料2. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料3. 展覽簡介:展覽之詳細介紹,包括:展覽時間、地點、主辦單位資訊...等4. 展覽特色:本展展覽特色之介紹5. 大會活動:展覽活動列表6. 電子名片交換:利用QR code交換名片7. 包括展館及其他交通相關資訊8. 聯絡我們:展覽主辦單位聯絡資訊9. 會展卡:瀏覽會展卡網站或下載會展卡APP1. Product Categories:Category or Keyword Search Exhibitor Info2. exhibitors: Search with keywords or exhibition Info.3. Exhibition Introduction: Exhibition of detail, including:Exhibition of time, place, organizers and other information...4. Exhibition Features: This describes the characteristics of theExhibition5. The General Assembly activities: exhibitions list6. vCard exchange: the use of QR code business card exchange7. including pavilions and other traffic-related information8. Contact Us: Exhibition Organizers Contact Information9. Exhibition Card: browse websites or download ExhibitionExhibition card card APP
TAIPEI AMPA 5-in-1 Preview 1.0
With the TAIPEI AMPA 5-in-1 Show Preview App,you will have instant access to exhibitors’ highlights and showinformation of 2015 TAIPEI AMPA, AutoTronics Taipei, MotorcycleTaiwan, EV Taiwan and Tuning and Car Care, one of the largest andmost prestigious auto and motorcycle parts shows in theworld!We expect to attract more than 53,000 buyers coming in 2015 AMPA5-in-1 show! Come to download TAIPEI AMPA 5-in-1 Show Preview Appnow!TAIPEI AMPA, TAITRA
國際綠色產品展 1.01
國際綠色產品展(Eco-Products International FairEPIF)為亞洲生產力組織主辦,巡迴該組織十九個會員國的國際性環保展覽。自2004年起分別於馬來西亞、泰國、新加坡、越南、菲律賓、印尼及印度等國展出。2014年將於台北世貿一館盛大登場!除了最新的綠色產品、綠色科技以及綠色服務之外,該展同期舉辦國際研討會、產業論壇及採購洽談會,廠商不須遠渡重洋,即可與亞洲頂尖環保企業及知名學者交流!機會難得,絕對不容錯過!免費下載EPIF APP可讓你即時搜尋產品及廠商,並可隨時隨地獲得最新展覽活動及展覽資訊,絕對不能錯過!!1. 關於本展:展覽內容之詳細介紹。2. 攤位圖:互動式展場攤位圖,點廠商攤位可觀看廠商詳細資訊。3. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料,並可查看攤位圖位置。4. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料,並可連結至攤位圖。5. 預先登入: 預先登記參觀證6. 服務設施: 台北世貿一館周邊設施7. 活動:精采的大會活動訊息及活動地點,可連結至攤位圖,並可將活動收藏至我的最愛。8. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息。9. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊。EPIF, Eco, Products, Eco Technologies, Eco Services, HomeAppliances, Plant Factory, TAITRA, 貿協, 外貿協會
台灣國際漁業展 1.03
1.預先登記:買主、業者預先登記2.參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料,並可查看攤位圖位置3.論壇:詳細論壇議程4.活動:瀏覽展覽相關活動5.交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊6.服務設施:餐廳、便利商店與服務台等展覽設施位置圖與介紹7.關於本展:展覽之詳細介紹,包括:展覽時間、地點、展區、指標性廠商、主辦單位資訊……等8.Facebook:利用Facebook粉絲頁與我們互動9.電子名片交換:透過掃描對方的QR code後,可直接於通訊錄建立聯絡資訊1. Pre-registration: thebuyer, the industry pre-registration2. exhibitors: exhibition search using keywords or vendorinformation, and view Booth Map position3. The Forum: Forum Agenda Details4. Events: Browse exhibition-related activities5. Transportation: including pavilions and other traffic-relatedinformation6. services: restaurant, convenience store and exhibitionfacilities etc. Reception location map and description7. About this exhibition: Details of the exhibition, including:Exhibition of time, place, exhibition, indicative vendors,organizers and other information ......8.Facebook: use Facebook fan page to interact with usThe electronic business card exchange: can be established after thecontact information via QR code scanning directly to each other'scontacts
2015年台灣健康照護學術研討會 1.01
健康照護已成為新世紀台灣社會所關注之議題,國內各相關機構、學協會針對此議題,也經常舉辦各類學術研討會議。為增進各相關團體之合作及交流,遂於2007年起由台灣醫務管理學會、醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會及台灣醫院協會發起,共同整合一個學術資源平台,以促進國內醫務(院)管理、公共衛生等學術發展,並期與國際接軌為共同目標,共同籌劃輪流主辦「台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會」,每年聯合大會皆獲各界人士熱烈響應,2015年將由本會第三度承辦,誠摯邀請各界先進蒞臨指導。1.大會簡介:研討會之詳細介紹,包括:主題、時間、地點、活動緣起、主辦單位資訊...等2.活動議程:研討會時程表與主持人、主講人資訊3.分場發表:論文發表場次4.發表注意事項:口頭發表場次5.電子論文集:連線至電子論文系統,讀取有興趣之論文6.交通資訊:如何前往本次研討會7.學積分認證:認證相關資訊8.滿意度調查:請不吝分享寶貴意見與建議,供主辦單位改善9.贊助廠商:本次研討會贊助廠商名單Health care has becomeatopic of concern to the Taiwan society in the new century,thedomestic agencies, Association for this issue, and oftenheldvarious Symposium meeting. To promote cooperation and exchangeofall relevant groups, then in 2007 sponsored by the TaiwanCollegeof Healthcare Executives, the hospital medicalqualityevaluation-cum-Promotion Committee and the TaiwanHospitalAssociation, a co-integrate academic resources platform topromotedomestic medical (hospital) management, public health andotheracademic development, and of the international standards foracommon goal, is co-sponsored by turns "Taiwan Joint SymposiumonHealth Care" are eligible for the annual JointAssemblyenthusiastic public response, 2015 will be the third timethiscontractor , cordially invites advanced guidance.Introduction 1. The General Assembly: Seminar indetail,including: subject, time, place, event origin, organizersand otherinformation ...2. Active Agenda: The workshop schedule with presenters,presenterinfo3. breakout Post: paper published screenings4. Post Note: oral presentation sessions5. Electronic Proceedings: connect to the electronic papersystem,read the papers Interested6. Transportation: Getting to this seminar7. Scores of authentication: Information8. Satisfaction Survey: Please feel free to share commentsandrecommendations for the organizers to improve9. sponsors: The symposium sponsors list
跨境電商教戰手冊 1.0
亞洲抗齡照護產業展 1.00
由於國民預期壽命延長以及婦女生育率降低,人口老化現象日益普遍,未來全球人口結構老化現象難以逆轉。未來10年,台灣老年人口總數將由272萬人增加到470萬人。2013年,台灣勞動年齡人口中35~65歲人口約1,050萬人,佔總人口數的45%;這群未來的銀髮族群將成為主要財富持有者,將願意為了維繫健康與活力而付出高成本,高齡養生照護需求將因此激增。銀髮族經濟能力與自我照護認知的提升,將使銀髮照護市場邁入高速成長期。亞洲抗齡照護產業展 (Geriatric Care Asia2015)將是臺灣第一個針對銀髮醫療需求之國際專業展覽,提供預防與治療中高齡疾病的最新藥品、設備與服務之行銷平台。目標協助國內藥品、醫療產品與技術廠商內外銷之業務拓展機會,並與國際廠商交流掌握全球產業發展方向。請立即下載「2015年亞洲抗齡照護產業展」APP,讓您一手掌握最新資訊!!主要功能包含:最新消息、廠商訊息、產品型錄等等....。Since the nationallifeexpectancy and lower fertility rate, population aging isbecomingmore common, the future of global demographic agingphenomenon isdifficult to reverse. The next 10 years, the totalnumber ofTaiwan's elderly population will be 272 million to 470million.2013, Taiwan's working-age population 35 to 65 years oldpopulationof about 1,050 people, 45 percent of the totalpopulation; thesesilver-haired ethnic future will be a major assetholders would bewilling to pay to maintain the health and vitalityhigh cost,elderly health care needs will therefore surge. Seniorseconomiccapacity and enhance the awareness of self-care, will makesilverhair care market into the high-speed growth.Asian anti-age care industry exhibition (Geriatric Care Asia2015)will be Taiwan's first international professional exhibitionforthe medical needs of the silver-haired, prevention and treatmentofdiseases of the elderly latest medicines, equipment andservicemarketing platform. Objective To assist thedomesticpharmaceutical, export of medical products and technologyvendorsto expand business opportunities and exchanges withinternationalcompanies to grasp the global industrial development.Pleasedownload the "2015 Asian anti-age care industry exhibition"APP,gives you the latest information first-hand!Main features include: latest news, information vendors,productcatalog and so on .....
亞洲樂齡智慧生活展 1.03
2017亞洲樂齡智慧生活展將於11月2-5日在高雄展覽館舉行,同期舉行世界健康大會,展會合一,整合產官學界資源,拓展內外銷銀髮產業合作商機,建構臺灣第一個國際銀髮產業展會交流平台。長照2.0上路銀髮元年,樂齡產業無限商機,本展規畫「健康照護」、「銀享生活」、「服務建構」三大展覽主題,打造具前瞻性日照中心示範館、健康睡眠專區,結合產業趨勢論壇、體驗行銷等活動,創造與眾不凡的全新展覽視野。立即下載「2017年亞洲樂齡智慧生活展」APP,讓您一手掌握最新銀髮產業資訊與展覽訊息!!2017 Asian senior wisdomof life will be held from 2-5 November in Kaohsiung Exhibition,held in conjunction with World Health Assembly, the show unity,government and academia to integrate resources, expand the exportSeniors industrial cooperation opportunities, construct Taiwan'sfirst Seniors international industrial exhibition platform.Long-term care 2.0 silver-haired first year on the road, seniorindustry opportunities, this exhibition planning "health care","silver enjoy life", "construction services" three major theme ofthe exhibition, to create forward-looking demonstration centersunshine Museum, healthy sleep zone , combined with industry trendsforum, experiential marketing and other activities, with the publicto create extraordinary new exhibition vision.Download the "2017 Asian senior wisdom of life" exhibition APP,right in your hand the latest industry information and Seniors ShowCalendar !!
Inno Biker 4.2
InnoBiker—Your Best Riding Partner2015 features update (V4.2)1. Add “Group mission” function. Team up your friends tobreakrecords together.2. Add “Achievement badges” to track with your bikingrecords.3. Link to Taiwan Excellence Loyalty Program “Road toExcellence”website. Riding your bike to complete the mission andgetrewards.4. “Tool Kits” upgrades to 6 bike Q&A themes, total40questions.InnoBiker Features:1. Flat design user interface.2. Challenge worldwide biking routes with the 2015 brandnewfunction “Route Challenge”. Find the nearest bike routesandchallenge it!3. Upgrade the language pack (11 languages in total):English,Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Turkish,Portuguese,Vietnamese, Deutsch, Española, Russian, IndonesianandJapanese.4. An app that everyone can use easily to record his or herbicyclejourney with.5. InnoBiker app can record the riding time, distance,burnedcalories and speed. Mileage and carbon reduction conversion.Seehow you love the earth by cycling.6. Login Facebook to see the carbon reduction ranking around /inyour country and between your friends.7. Along the trip, you can use the built-in camera to takephotos,store them in your mobile phone and app, or upload themtoFacebook.8. A compass that you won’t lose the direction.9. InnoBiker provides you with basic bicycle repair informationstepby step.10. The emergency message function enables you to send outyourlocation when in emergency.11. View more information about Taiwan Excellence and TaiwanBicycleIndustry.Supported byMinistry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)Organized byBureau of Foreign Trade, MOEAImplemented byTaiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)Ad. by Bureau of Foreign TradeTaiwan Excellence Website(http://www.taiwanexcellence.org/)InnoBiker App Support(http://www.taiwanexcellence.org/html/tw/app.html)
2015 APHC 1.05
1. Welcome Message: Welcome MessagefromOrganizer2. Agenda: Conference Agenda3. Info: Important info of this conference4. Speaker: Speaker list of this conference5. Oral Presentation: Oral Presentation list ofthisconference6. POSTER LIST: POSTER LIST of this conference7. Transportation: MRT & Bus info8. Contact Usl Contact Organizer9. Venue: Infomation of TICC10. Sponsor: Sponsor List11. Business Card: Exchange contact info by digitalbusinesscard
1. Exhibitors - Search for the exhibitors bycompany names, product names, and location.2. Floor Plan - The interactive map guides you to exhibitors.3. Events - Take a peek at event details such as times,locations.4. Transportation: How get to the show venue and relevantinformation5. News: Latest news about the show6. Products - Use keywords and product categories to search productinformation.7. My Favorites: Bookmark your favorite exhibitors, products andevents8. Facilities - Search for the locations and services of food,restrooms, parking, ATM, etc.9. About the Show: How dates & hours、venues、exhibit area andrelevant informationCycle, bicycle, Taipei, TAITRA, TWTC
台北國際自行車展 2.04
全球前三大台北國際自行車展於3月2日至5日於南港展覽館及世貿一館舉行,展出引領最新最具創意的自行車成車、零配件、人身部品及電動自行車。Taipei InternationalCycle Show, the world's top three on March 2 to 5 in the NangangExhibition Hall and TWTC Exhibition Hall held featuring leading thelatest and most innovative bicycles to cars, spare parts, bodilyparts and electric bicycles.
台灣國際扣件展 5.01
台灣國際扣件展,與您相約2016年4月11-13日高雄見!展覽特色:本展為國內唯一專業扣件產業國際展覽會,定位為B2B專業展覽。展出項目以扣件及相關產品/服務為主軸,完整呈現台灣高度整合的扣件產業供應鏈,打造亞洲地區最專業的採購及產業訊息交流平台;預計吸引20,000名國內外買主及相關業者前來參觀採購。展出內容:各式扣件產品、扣件生產製造設備、扣件工具、檢測儀器及相關產品/服務參展廠商家數及攤位數:400家參展廠商,使用900個攤位展覽週邊活動:開幕典禮、歡迎晚宴、一對一採購洽談會、國際產業論壇1.參展廠商2.產品型錄3.最新消息4.交通資訊5.關於本展6.Facebook7.臺灣會展卡......TaiwanInternationalFastener Show, and you meet 11-13 April 2016 KaohsiungSee youthere!Exhibition Features:The exhibition is the only professional international exhibitionofindustrial fasteners, positioned as a professional B2Bexhibition.The former is expected to attract 20,000 buyers at homeand abroadand relevant industry; exhibition projects fasteners andrelatedproducts / services for the spindle, a complete presentationofTaiwan's fastener industry is highly integrated supplychain,create the most professional procurement and industryinformationexchange platform in Asia to visit procurement.Exhibits:All kinds of fastener products, fastener manufacturingequipment,fastener tools, testing equipment and related products/servicesNumber of exhibitors and booth number: 400 exhibitors using900boothsEvents surrounding the exhibition: the opening ceremony,welcomedinner, one Procurement Fair, International Industry Forum1. Exhibitor2. Catalog3. News4. Traffic Information5. With regard to this exhibition6.Facebook7. Taiwan MICE card......
台北數控機械展 1.04
主要功能:1.參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料2.產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋3.攤位圖:互動式展場平面圖4.活動:展覽活動列表5.我的最愛:將產品、廠商與活動加至我的最愛6.服務設施:餐廳、便利商店與廁所等展覽設施位置圖與介紹7.關於本展:本展簡介與時間地點8.台北國際木工機械暨木工材料展:台北國際木工機械暨木工材料展官方網站9.台灣會展卡:瀏覽網站或下載台灣會展卡APPThe main function:1. Exhibitor: Search using keywords or exhibition Info.2. Catalog: Product category or keyword searchFigure 3. Booth: interactive exhibition plan4. Events: exhibitions list5. Favorites: products, vendors and activities add tomyfavorites6. services: restaurant, convenience store and exhibitionfacilitiesand other toilet location map and description7. About this exhibition: The exhibition profile and the timeandplace8. Taipei International WoodworkingMachineryExhibition-cum-carpenter materials: TaipeiInternationalWoodworking Machinery Exhibition-cum-carpentermaterials OfficialWebsite9. Taiwan Exhibition Card: visit the website or download TAIWANcardAPP
臺北健康城市 1.02
臺北市政府衛生局於2004年首度辦理「臺北健康城市國際研討會」,次年10月擴大辦理「2005臺北健康城市領袖圓桌論壇暨國際研討會」,2006年賡續辦理「臺北健康城市論壇─城市領袖深度對談暨國際研討會及亞洲主要都市網防疫對策研討會」,邀請國內外城市首長及代表與會對談,深度交換推動健康城市經驗與國際接軌。2008年至2010年期間,每年皆辦理2場以上健康城市論壇系列研討會,探討與民眾切身之公共衛生議題(如:疾病防治、預防保健新觀念、醫療新趨勢等)。2011年辦理「2011臺北健康城市研討會」,大會以「21世紀健康城市的新挑戰與新視野」為主軸,邀集國內外專家學者及市府相關局處就「規劃與治理良好的都市環境」、「營造健康的支持性環境」、「發展城市的緊急應變系統」、「推廣健康的行為」、「建構安全的生活」等五大主題,進行接力式討論。2012年辦理「2012臺北健康城市研討會」,此次大會係以「設計化的健康城市」、「營造高齡友善環境」、「運用科技提供人性化的緊急醫療照護」、「建構安全健康永續城市」等議題,邀請國內外專家學者進行專題演講,並透過各縣市政府及產、官、學界共同交流分享,將設計及科技導入城市,透過城市再造提升市民生活美學及品質,讓臺北市成為更適合居住及環保永續的城市。本次研討會將承續2012年研討會辦理模式,以「科技化的健康照護」為主軸,邀請國內外專家學者進行專題演講,並由市府相關局處呈現目前施政成果及未來擘畫,另藉由其他縣市政府與會分享交流及展示相關成果,共同探討未來推動健康城市與安全社區的方向及可行方案,不僅由公衛醫療面向達到市民健康促進的成效,更透過城市的再造提升市民的生活美學及品質,讓臺北市成為更適合居住、環保永續的城市。Taipei CityGovernmentDepartment of Health in 2004 for the first time apply"TaipeiInternational Conference on Healthy Cities", the followingyear inOctober to expand conduct "2005 Taipei Healthy CitiesLeadersRoundtable and International Symposium", 2006. Continued"TaipeiHealthy City Forum ─ city leaders talk and InternationalSymposiumon the depth and the Asian Network of Major Citiespreventionmeasures Seminar ", inviting domestic and foreign headsof and onbehalf of the city and would talk, depth exchange ofexperience inpromoting healthy city with international standards.2008-2010period, the annual handling two or more games are HealthyCitiesForum seminar series to discuss with the people's vitalpublichealth issues (such as: disease prevention, preventive carenewideas, new medical trends). 2011 apply for the "2011 TaipeiHealthyCities Symposium", the General Assembly of "healthy citiesin the21st century with new challenges New Vision" for the spindle,thecity government invited foreign experts and scholars andrelevantbureaus on "good governance planning and urbanenvironment.""create a healthy and supportive environment","develop the city'semergency response system," "promote healthybehavior", "build asafe life" five themes for Relay interactivediscussion. 2012conduct "2012 Taipei Healthy Cities Symposium," Theconference isbased on the "Design of the healthy city", "createage-friendlyenvironment," "the use of technology to provide humaneemergencymedical care", "Construction Safety and HealthSustainability City"and other issues, domestic and foreign expertsand scholarsinvited to deliver the keynote speech and through localgovernmentsand industry, government, academic exchange and sharingtogether,will design and technology into the city, through thecityrecycling upgrading the living aesthetics and quality, soTaipeibecome more livable and environmentally sustainable cities.The seminar will deal with inherited 2012 Symposium modeto"technology-oriented health care" as the main, domestic andforeignexperts and scholars invited to deliver a keynote speech bytherelevant bureaus city presents the current results andfuturepolicy being put Another shared by other city andcountygovernments participating exchanges and exhibitionsrelatedoutcomes, promote healthy cities to discuss the futuredirection ofthe community with safe and viable solutions, not onlyby thepublic health care for the people to achieve theeffectiveness ofhealth promotion, but also to enhance the publicthrough the city'srecycling aesthetics and quality of life,allowing Taipei to becomemore livable, environmentally sustainablecities.
台中三展 1.00
台中規模最大的食品類消費型展覽,熱鬧滾滾、人氣滿點2012年台中三展首次展出,吸引超過28,000名參觀群眾,一鳴驚人!!作為台灣著名的美食之都,台中擁有超過250萬名都會人口,加上隣近的彰化和南投等縣,成為中台灣的重要消費指標區域。2012年外貿協會和展昭國際首次於大台中國際會展中心舉辦第一屆的台中茶、咖啡、食品及烘焙展,一連四天展期,共有160家廠商參展和262個攤位,超過28,000名參觀民眾將現場擠的水泄不通,熱鬧滾滾~2013年8月2日~5日,美食之都,與您再會!!關於本展:展覽簡介與展覽時間等相關資訊。1. 關於本展:展覽簡介與開放時間2. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料。3. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋。4. 展覽照片:精采的大會活動照片5. Facebook:利用Facebook粉絲頁與我們互動6. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息7. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊。8. 會展卡:下載臺灣會展卡APP或瀏覽官方網站台中國際茶與咖啡展, 大台中優良食品展,大台中烘焙暨設備展,台灣茶展、台灣咖啡展、台灣食品展、台灣烘焙展、台灣茶、台灣烏龍茶、台灣綠茶、茶和咖啡、食品機械、烘焙機器、烘焙原料、貿協、外貿協會,TaichungInt’l Tea & Coffee Show, Taichung Food Fantasy,Taichung BakeryFair, TAITRA, TCFB
2015 台灣太陽光電展 1.05
Meet Taiwan Card 2.4.0
「臺灣會展卡(MEETTAIWANCARD)」由經濟部國際貿易局推動,係專屬於國內外會展人士使用,主要提供持卡者享用購物、飯店、餐飲、休閒娛樂、交通與物流五大領域之優惠服務。會展卡APP將提供持卡者特約商家店家資訊與優惠內容,並配合即時定位功能方便使用者了解各特約商家所在位置- The MEET TAIWAN CARD has been especially developed by theBureauof Foreign Trade (BOFT) to enhance various services suchasshopping, dining, accommodation, transportation and logistics,andleisure and entertainment for incentive travelers andparticipantsof international conferences and exhibitions.- MEET TAIWAN CARD APP users can more easily and convenientlyobtaininformation about the latest deals, the nearest and mostattractivestores as well as directions by Google Map.
TaipeiInStyle 1.02
Taipei IN Style’s core value is to promotethefashion industry in Taiwan, present the R&D of the apparelandtextile field from the suppliers and manufacturers, and supporttheindividual designers and brands to keep on going fortheircreativities and aspirations. With the clear mission ofconnectingTaiwanese fashion talents with the professionalsworldwide, TaipeiIN Style strives to pull out an all-in-one tradefair where avariety of events are delicately presented for thenumerousvisitors, including a press conference, house shows,seminars,trunk shows, and business matching meetings. The bridge iscreatedfor the exhibitors and buyers to have the opportunities tomeet,exchange ideas, discuss businesses, and make friends fromdifferentparts of the world. To taste the fashion sense of Taiwanandexplore the textile and apparel market and expand businesseswithTaiwanese companies, Taipei IN Style is your next stop!
11th APCMFM 1.01
11th APCMFM (11th Asia Pacific CongressinMaternal Fetal Medicine)
台北塑橡膠展 1.02
1. 廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料,並可查看攤位圖位置2. 產品:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋廠商資料,並可連結至攤位圖3. 攤位圖:互動式展場平面圖,點廠商攤位可觀看廠商詳細資訊4. 活動:精采的大會活動訊息及活動地點,可連結至攤位圖,並可將活動收藏至我的最愛5. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊6. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊7. 我的最愛:輕鬆閱覽收藏之廠商資料、產品介紹及活動訊息8. 服務設施:買主休息區、記者室與服務台等展覽設施位置圖與介紹9. 展覽簡介 : 展覽之詳細介紹,包括:展覽時間、地點、展區、指標性廠商、主辦單位資訊……等塑橡膠, 塑橡膠機械, 塑膠, 橡膠, 台北塑橡膠展, 射出機, 押出機, Taitra, 貿協, 外貿協會
TAIPEI AMPA 5-IN-1プレビュー 1.0
台北国際自動車部品及びアクセサリー見本市5-in-1ショープレビューアプリさえあれば、いつでも出展者の見どころ、「2015年台北国際自動車部品及びアクセサリー見本市、台北国際カー・エレクトロニクス見本市、台北国際オートバイ部品およびアクセサリー見本市、台湾国際電動車両見本市、台湾国際チューニングカー・カーケア見本市」という世界有数の大規模自動車・オートバイ部品合同見本市についての最新情報を入手できます!53,000名以上のバイヤーの来場を見込んでいます!さあ、今すぐ台北国際自動車部品及びアクセサリー見本市5-in-1ショープレビューアプリをダウンロードしてください!TAIPEIAMPA、ショープレビュー、業界概要、注目の出展社、自動車パーツ、自動車アクセサリー、電気自動車、自動車電子製品、バイクパーツ、バイクアクセサリーIf evenTaipeiInternational Auto parts and accessories trade fair 5-in-1showpreview app, attractions exhibitors at any time, "2015TaipeiInternational Auto parts and accessories trade show,TaipeiInternational Car Electronics trade show, TaipeiInternationalMotorcycle parts and accessories trade fair , Taiwaninternationalelectric vehicle trade fair, you can get the latestinformationabout the world's leading large-scale Motorcycle partsjointexhibition of Taiwan International tuning car car care tradefair"!I am expected to visitors of 53,000 people or more buyers!Come on, please Download now Taipei International Auto partsandaccessories trade fair 5-in-1 show preview app!TAIPEI AMPA, show preview, industry overview, attentionofexhibitors, automobile parts, car accessories, electric car,carelectronic products, bike parts, bike accessories
台灣改裝車展 1.01
2015年首屆「台灣國際改裝車暨車身美容保養展」將於4月8日至11日在世貿一館盛大展出,是全球改裝車產業專業人士匯集的採購盛會,內容凌瑯滿目,精確而專業的程度,廣受世界各地參展廠商與參觀買主的參展與支持。同期展出「台北國際汽車零配件展」、「台北車用電子展」、「台灣國際機車零配件展」及「台灣電動車展」,共同打造亞洲最大的汽機車、電動車與改裝車展覽會,將有1,500家廠商參展、展出4,000個攤位,展覽規模創新高!汽配五合一展預計將吸引超過53,000名買家及專業人士共襄盛舉,歡迎國內相關業者於展覽期間憑名片至現場免費換證入場立即下載2015年「台灣國際改裝車暨車身美容保養展」APP!!主要功能:1. 參展廠商:利用關鍵字或展區搜尋廠商資料。2. 產品型錄:產品分類或關鍵字搜尋。3. 攤位圖:互動式展場平面圖,點廠商攤位可觀看廠商詳細資訊。4. 服務設施:餐廳、便利商店與服務台等展覽設施位置圖與介紹5. 交通資訊:包括展館及其他交通相關資訊。6. 最新消息:展覽最新消息及最新產業訊息隨時看,完全掌握展覽最新資訊7. Facebook:利用Facebook粉絲頁與我們互動8. 會展卡:瀏覽會展優惠或下載APP9. 電子名片交換:透過掃描對方的QR code後,可直接於通訊錄建立聯絡資訊台灣國際改裝暨車身美容保養展、改裝汽車及機車(成車)、汽機車改裝用品、設備及工具、汽機車改裝服務/連鎖店、汽機車修護服務連鎖店、汽車百貨店、汽車精品店、汽車維修設備及工具、汽車保養及美容產品系列產品、車身彩繪、汽機車車身噴漆、汽機車輪胎、車燈、加油站連鎖店、汽車塗料及修護產品、Taitra、外貿協會、貿協2015 The first"TaiwanInternational Beauty Body Care modified car cum Exhibition"will bea grand exhibition April 8 to 11 at the World Trade Center,is aglobal industry professionals modified car event bringstogetherprocurement, content Ling Lang everywhere, accurateandprofessional degree, popular participation and supportofexhibitors and visitors worldwide buyers.Exhibited the same period "Taipei International AutoPartsExhibition", "Taipei Car Electronics Show," "TaiwanInternationalMotorcycle Parts and Accessories Show" and "TaiwanElectric MotorShow" together to build Asia's largest steamlocomotive, electriccars and modified cars exhibition there will be1,500 exhibitors,4,000 exhibition booths, exhibition scale newheights! ObservingAuto Show is expected to attract more than 53,000buyers andprofessionals to join the festivities, welcome domesticindustryduring the exhibition with the replacement card freeadmission tothe siteDownload Now 2015 "Taiwan International Beauty Body Caremodifiedcar cum Exhibition" APP !!Main features:1. Exhibitors: use keywords or search Info. exhibition.2. Catalog: product category or keyword search.3. Booth Map: interactive exhibition floor plan, vendorboothsmanufacturer details point to watch.4. Service facilities: restaurants, convenience stores andotherservice desk and exhibition facilities location mapanddescription5. Traffic Information: includes pavilions and othertraffic-relatedinformation.6. News: Exhibition News & latest information at any timetolook at the industry, to fully grasp the latest information ontheexhibition7. Facebook: use Facebook fan page to interact with us8. Exhibition Card: browse the exhibition offers ordownloadAPPThe electronic business card exchange: can establishcontactinformation through after scanning the QR code directly ontheother side contactsTaiwan International Beauty Body Care Exhibition cummodified,modified cars and locomotives (a car), vehiclemodificationsupplies, equipment and tools, vehicle modificationservices /stores, automobile repair service chains, automobiledepartmentstores, boutiques, car, car repair equipment and tools,car careproducts and beauty products, body painting, body paintingof steamlocomotive, steam locomotive tires, lights, gas stationchains, carpaint and repair products, Taitra, trade associations,tradeassociation
MyanmarFairs 2.01
1. Exhibitors: Search exhibitors by keywordsor exhibitor area.2. Products:Use Keywords and Product Category to search detailedproduct information3. Floor Plan: Check the booth no. and location of exhibitior4. Events: Provide Daily events held by organizer5. News: View latest News about the show6. Pre-Registration: Pre-Registratio on line7. Business Card: Exchange contact info by digital businesscard8. Photo Share:Upload photos and share with others9. About the Show: General information of the show, including dates& hours、venues、exhibit area and relevant information
TiGiS 1.05
1. Events: Provide Daily events heldbyorganizer2. News: View latest News about the show3. About the show: Show dates & hours, venues, exhibit areasandrelevant information4. Products: Use Keywords and Product Category to searchdetailedproduct information5. Exhibitors: Search exhibitors by keywords or exhibitorarea.Click “Floor Plan” icon to see show map6. Floor plan-Detailed booth and exhibitor information7. Photo: First hand photos from the show8. Transportation: How get to the show venue andrelevantinformation9. MEET TAIWAN CARD: To download MEET TAIWAN CARD APP orbrowsewebsiteAnd more information about the show!